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Distinct decadal modulation of Atlantic-Nino influenSurface temperature in twentieth century at the Styx Glacier, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, from borehole thermometry
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What Controls ENSO Teleconnection to East Asia? Role of Western North Pacific Precipitation in
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Anthropogenic contribution to 2017 earliest summer onset in Korea
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Role of local air‐sea interaction in fire activity over Equatorial Asia
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The Response of Hadley Cell and Jet Stream to Earth's Rotation Rate
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Mid-Holocene Northern Hemisphere warming driven by Arctic amplification
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Tropical influence on the North Pacific Oscillation drives winter extremes in North America
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Regulation of atmospheric circulation controlling the tropical Pacific precipitation change in response to CO2 increases
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Regional Arctic Amplification by a Fast Atmospheric Response to Anthropogenic Sulfate Aerosol Forcing in China
2019: M.-J. Kim, Sang-Wook Yeh, R. Park and co-author
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Change in Relationship between the East Asian Winter Monsoon and the East Asian Jet Stream during the 1998-99 Regime Shift
2019: Song S.-Y, Sang-Wook Yeh, J.-H. Park
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Biogeophysical feedback of phytoplankton on Arctic climate: Part II Arctic warming amplified by interactive chlorophyll under greenhouse warming
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Role of the Western Hemisphere Warm Pool in climate variability over the western North Pacific
2019: Park, J.-H., Kug, J.-S., and T. Li
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Pantropical climate interactions
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A missing component of Arctic amplification: Black carbon from gas flaring
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Anthropogenic contribution to the 2017 earliest summer onset in South Korea
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A novel method to test non-exclusive hypotheses applied to Arctic ice projections from dependent models
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Western North Pacific anticyclone change associated with the El Niño‒Indian Ocean Dipole coupling, I
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Accounting for skill in trend, variability, and autocorrelation facilitates better multi-model projections: Application to the AMOC and temperature time series
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Impact of North Atlantic Freshwater Forcing on Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation under Glacial and Interglacial Conditions
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Surface meteorological conditions and boundary-layer height variations during an air pollution episode in Nanjing, China
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Ceilometer monitoring of boundary layer height in Seoul and its application to evaluate the dilution effect on air pollution, Boundary-Layer Meteorology
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The Lagged Effect of Anthropogenic Aerosol on East Asian Precipitation during the Summer Monsoon Season
2020: Lee S-J, Jeong Y-C, Yeh S-W
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Impacts of MJO on the intraseasonal temperature variation in East Asia
2020: Kim, S., J.-S. Kug, K.-H. Seo
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Seasonal variations in the surface energy and CO2 flux over a high-rise, high-population,
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Understanding Intermodel Diversity When Simulating the Time of Emergence in CMIP5 Climate Models
2020: Hyun, Seung-Hwon; Yeh, Sang-Wook; Song, Se-Yong; Park, Hyo-Seok; Kirtman, Ben P.
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The Impact of the 20-50-Day Atmospheric Intraseasonal Oscillation on the Gross Primary Productivity between the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers
2020: Li, Jianying; Kim, Jin-Soo; Kug, Jong-Seong
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Two Aspects of Decadal ENSO Variability Modulating the Long-Term Global Carbon Cycle
2020: Park, So-Won; Kim, Jin-Soo; Kug, Jong-Seong; Stuecker, Malte F.; Kim, In-Won; Williams, Mathew
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Implementation of a roughness sublayer parameterization in theWeather Research and Forecasting model (WRF version 3.7.1) and its evaluation for regional climate simulations
2020: Lee, Junhong; Hong, Jinkyu; Noh, Yign; Jimenez, Pedro A.
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Extensive fires in southeastern Siberian permafrost linked to preceding Arctic Oscillation
2020: Kim, Jin-Soo; Kug, Jong-Seong; Jeong, Su-Jong; Park, Hotaek; Schaepman-Strub, Gabriela
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Change in strong Eastern Pacific El Niño events dynamics in the warming climate
2020: A Carreric;D Boris; C Wenju; A Capotondi; K Takahashi;SW Yeh; G Wang; V Guemas
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Characteristics of internal variability on summer rainfall in Northeast Asia in a changing climate
2020: SH Hyun, SW Yeh
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Changes in the role of Pacific Decadal Oscillation on sea ice extent variability across the mid-1990s
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Comparison of past and future simulations of ENSO in CMIP5/PMIP3 and CMIP6/PMIP4 models
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The internal origin of the west-east asymmetry of Antarctic climate change
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The Role of Transient Eddies in North Pacific Blocking Formation
2020: J Whang; P Martineau; SW Son; T Miyasaka; H Nakamura
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Breakdown of the Linear Relationship between the Southern Hemisphere Hadley Cell Edge and Jet Latitude Changes in the Last Glacial Maximum
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The rapid intensification of East Asian cyclones around the Korean Peninsula and their surface impacts
2020: Kang, J. M., J. Lee, S.-W. Son, J. Kim, and D. Chen
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Extratropical cyclones over East Asia: Climatology, seasonal cycle and long-term trend
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Classification of Localized Heavy Rainfall Events in South Korea
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Fokker–Planck dynamics of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation
2020: Soon-Il An, Soong-Ki Kim, Axel Timmermann
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Quantifying the anthropogenic greenhouse gas contribution to the observed spring snow-cover decline using the CMIP6 multimodel ensemble
2020: S. Paik and S.-K. Min
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Evaluation of the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble for climate extreme indices
2020: Y.-H. Kim, S.-K. Min, X. Zhang, J. Sillmann, and M. Sandstad
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Determining the anthropogenic greenhouse gas contribution to the observed intensification of extreme precipitation
2020: S. Paik, S.-K. Min, X. Zhang, M. G. Donat, A. D. King, and Q. Sun
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Quantifying human impact on the 2018 summer longest heat wave in South Korea
2020: S.-K. Min, Y.-H. Kim, S.-M. Lee, S. Sparrow, S. Li, F. C. Lott, and P. A. Stott
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A global-scale multidecadal variability driven by Atlantic multidecadal oscillation
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Diversity of North Pacific Meridional Mode and its distinct impacts on El Niño‐Southern Oscillation
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Arctic Sea Ice Loss as a Potential Trigger for Central Pacific El Niño Events
2020: Kim, Hyerim; Yeh, Sang-Wook; An, Soon-Il; Park, Jae-Heung; Kim, Baek-Min; Baek, Eun-Hyuk
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Brief Communication: The reliability of gas extraction techniques for analysing CH4 and N2O compositions in gas trapped in permafrost ice wedges
2020: Ji-Woong Yang, Jinho Ahn, Go Iwahana, Sangyoung Han, Kyungmin Kim, and Alexander Fedorov
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Evaluation of land-atmosphere processes of the Polar WRF in the summertime Arctic tundra
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Global cooling hiatus driven by an AMOC overshoot in a carbon dioxide removal scenario
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A Markov chain method for weighting climate model ensembles
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Role of the Bay of Bengal warming in the Indian summer monsoon rainfall trend
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Impacts of ENSO on the seasonal transition from summer to winter in East Asia
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Zonally asymmetric phytoplankton response to the Southern annular mode in the marginal sea of the Southern ocean
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Importance of Human-Induced Nitrogen Flux Increases for Simulated Arctic Warming
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Delayed Impact of Indian Ocean Warming on the East Asian Surface Temperature Variation in Boreal Summer
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Changing El Niño–Southern Oscillation in a warming climate
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Transient and quasi-equilibrium climate states at 1.5°C and 2°C global warming
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An inverse dielectric mixing model at 50 MHz that considers soil organic soils
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Diverse synoptic weather patterns of the warm-season heavy rainfall events in South Korea
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Development processes of the explosive cyclones over the Northwest Pacific: potential vorticity tendency inversion
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Contrasting response of hydrological cycle over land and ocean to a changing CO2 pathway
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Changes in the Characteristics of the North Pacific Jet as a Conduit for US Surface Air Temperature in Boreal Winter across the Late 1990s
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A novel approach for discovering stochastic models behind data: Case of El Nino-Southern Oscillation
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Decadal phase shift of summertime Arctic dipole pattern and its nonlinear effect on sea ice extent
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Feedback processes modulating the sensitivity of Atlantic thermohaline circulation to freshwater forcing timescales
2021 : H-J Kim, S-I An, S-K Kim, and J-H Park
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Seasonal gap theory for ENSO phase locking
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Role of the climatological intertropical convergence zone in the seasonal footprinting mechanism of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation
2021 : J-H Park, M-K Sung, Y-M Yang, J Zhao, S-I An, and J-S Kug
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Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas and Aerosol Contributions to Extreme Temperature Changes during 1951–2015
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Delayed impact of Indian Ocean warming on East Asian climate in boreal summer
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Classification of wintertime atmospheric teleconnection patterns in the Northern Hemisphere
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A distinct sub-seasonal modulation in the Atlantic-originated atmospheric teleconnection influence on East Asian monthly climates
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Rate-dependent hysteresis of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation system and its asymmetric loop
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Timescale-dependent AMOC-AMO relationship in an earth system model of intermediate complexity
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A low order dynamical model for runoff predictability
2021 : R Olson, A Timmermann, J-Y Lee, and S-I An
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Mid‐latitude leading double‐dip La Niña
2021: Park, J‐H, An, S‐I, Kug, J‐S, Yang, Y‐M, Li, T, Jo, H‐S
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Three distinct convective footprints over the Indo-western Pacific that affect high temperature extreme events in Korea during boreal autumn
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Tropical origins of the record-breaking 2020 summer rainfall extremes in East Asia
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Hysteresis of the intertropical convergence zone to CO2 forcing
2022 ; J.-S. Kug ; J.-H. Oh ; S.-I. An ; S.-W. Yeh ; S.-K. Min ; S.-W. Son ; J. Kam ; Y.-G. Ham ; S. Shin
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Compromised Improvement of Poor Visibility Due to PM Chemical Composition Changes in South Korea
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Southern Ocean control of 2° C global warming in climate models
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Origin of CO2, CH4, and N2O trapped in ice wedges in central Yakutia and their relationship
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Role of the Tibetan plateau glaciers in the Asian summer monsoon
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How explosive volcanic eruptions reshape daily precipitation distributions
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A low-order dynamical model for fire-vegetation-climate interactions
2022: S-K Kim, A Timmermann, J-S Kim, R Olson, S-I An
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Widespread irreversible changes in surface temperature and precipitation in response to CO2 forcing
2022: S-K Kim, J Shin, S-I An, H-J Kim, N Im, S-P Xie, J-S Kug and S-W Yeh
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Increased Indian Ocean-North Atlantic Ocean warming chain under greenhouse warming
2022: Y-M Yang, J-H Park, S-I An, S-W Yeh, Z Zhu, F Liu, J Li, J-Y Lee and B Wang
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Contrasting hysteresis behaviors of Northern Hemisphere land monsoon precipitation to CO2 pathways
2022: H Oh, S-I An, J Shin, S-W Yeh, S-K Min, S-W Son and J-S Kug
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Dynamics of two distinct subseasonal growth mechanisms of the North Pacific Oscillation
2022: M-K Sung, S-W Son, C Yoo, J Hwang, and S-I An
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Internal Climate Variability in the Present Climate and the Change in ENSO Amplitude in Future Climate Simulations
2022: S-H Hyun, S-W Yeh, BP Kirtman and S-I An
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General circulation and global heat transport in a quadrupling CO2 pulse experiment
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Role of tropical lower stratosphere winds in quasi-biennial oscillation disruption
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Atmosphere-driven cold SST biases over the western North Pacific in the GloSea5 seasonal forecast system
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Influence of retreating Barents-Kara Sea Ice on the periodicity of El Nino-Southern Oscillation
2022: E-S Heo, S-I An, IM Ringgaard, S Yang, JH Christensen, and M-K Sung
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Factors determining the seasonal variation of ozone air quality in South Korea: Regional background versus domestic emission contributions
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Evaluation of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Simulations for Seoul, Korea
2022: Y. J. Oak, R. J. Park, D. S. Jo, A. Hodzic, J. L. Jimenez, P. Campuzano-Jost, B. A. Nault, H. Kim, H. Kim, E. S. Ha, C.-K. Song, S.-M. Yi, G. S. Diskin, A. J. Weinheimer, D. R. Blake, A. Wisthaler, M. Shim, and Y. Shin
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Hysteresis Behaviors in East Asian Extreme Precipitation Frequency to CO2 Pathway
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Attribution of the unprecedented 2021 October heat wave in South Korea
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Urban Water Storage Capacity Inferred From Observed Evapotranspiration Recession
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Intensity changes of Indian Ocean Dipole Mode in a Carbon Dioxide Removal Scenario
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Slow and soft passage through tipping point of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a changing climate
2022: S.-K. Kim, H.-J. Kim, H. A. Dijkstra, S.-I. An
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Understanding the paths of surface ozone abatement in the Los Angeles Basin
2022: S.-W. Kim, B. McDonald, S.-H. Seo, K.-M. Kim, and M. Trainer
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Role of upwind precipitation in transboundary pollution and secondary aerosol formation: A case study during the KORUS-AQ field campaign
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Human contribution to the 2020 summer successive hot-wet extremes in South Korea
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Lengthening of summer season over the Northern Hemisphere under 1.5°C and 2.0°C global warming
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Effect of nitrogen limitation and soil biophysics on Holocene greening of the Sahara
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Exploring the ability of the variable-resolution Community Earth System Model to simulate cryospheric-hydrological variables in High Mountain Asia
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Changes in surface ozone in South Korea on diurnal to decadal timescales for the period of 2001-2021
2023: S.-W. Kim, K.-M. Kim, Y. Jeong, S. Seo, Y. Park, J. Kim
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Quantitative analysis of winter PM2.5 reduction in South Korea, 2019/20 to 2021/22: Contributions of meteorology and emissions
2023: J. I. Jeong, R. J. Park, C.-K. Song, S.-W. Yeh, J.-H. Woo
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Seasonally distinct contributions of greenhouse gases and anthropogenic aerosols to historical changes in Arctic moisture budget
2023: H.-J. Choi, S.-K. Min, S.-W. Yeh, S.-I. An, B.-M. Kim
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Emergent constraints on future extreme precipitation intensification: from global to continental scales
2023: S. Paik, S.-I. An, S.-K. Min, A. D. King, S.-K. Kim
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Constraining the First Year of Ice-Free Arctic: Importance of Regional Perspective
2023: S. Paik, D. Kim, S.-I. An, Y.-G. Ham
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Exploring dominant processes for multi-month predictability of western Pacific precipitation using deep learning
2023: Y.-M. Yang, J.-H. Kim, J.-H. Park, Y.-G. Ham, S.-I. An, J.-Y. Lee, B. Wang
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Distinct decadal modulation of Atlantic-Nino influence on ENSO
2023: J.-H. Park, J.-S. Kug, Y.-M. Yang, M.-K. Sung, S. Kim, H.-J. Kim, H.-J. Park, S.-I. An
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MJO in Different Orbital Regimes: Role of the Mean State in the MJO's Amplitude during Boreal Winter
2023: S. S. Rushley, D. Kang, D. Kim, S.-I. An, T. Wang
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ENSO skewness hysteresis and associated changes in strong El Nino under a CO2 removal scenario
2023: C. Liu, S.-I. An, F.-F. Jin, M. F. Stuecker, W. Zhang, J.-S. Kug, X. Yuan, J. Shin, A. Xue, X. Geng, S.-K. Kim
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Influence of ENSO on Tropospheric Ozone Variability in East Asia
2023: Y. Jeong, S.-W. Kim, J. Kim, D. Shin, J. Kim, J.-H. Park, S.-I. An
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Hysteresis of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation to CO2 forcing
2023: C. Liu, S.-I. An, F.-F. Jin, J. Shin, J.-S. Kug, W. Zhang, M. F. Stuecker, X. Yuan, A. Xue, X. Geng, S.-K. Kim
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Hysteretic Behavior of Global to Regional Monsoon Area Under CO2 Ramp-Up and Ramp-Down
2023: S. Paik, S.-I. An, S.-K. Min, A. D. King, J. Shin
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Turbulence behaviors underlying the sensible heat and water vapor flux dissimilarity in a stably stratified flow
2023: X. Guo, W. Yang, J. Hong, L. Wang, Z. Gao, D. Zhou
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ENSO-driven abrupt phase shift in North Atlantic oscillation in early January
2023: X. Geng, J. Zhan, J.-S. Kug
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An assessment of the ENSO-monsoon teleconnection in a warming climate
2023: B. Goswami, S.-I. An
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Main drivers of Indian Ocean Dipole asymmetry revealed by a simple IOD model
2023: S.-I. An, H.-J. Park, S.-K. Kim, W. Cai, A. Santoso, D. Kim, J.-S. Kug
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Hemispherically asymmetric Hadley cell response to CO2 removal
2023: S.-Y. Kim, Y.-J. Choi, S.-W. Son, K. M. Grise, P. W. Staten, S.-I. An, S.-W. Yeh, J.-S. Kug, S.-K. Min, J. Shin
Science Advances 9(30), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg1801
Midwinter breakdown of ENSO climate impacts in East Asia
2023: X. Geng, K.-M. Noh, J.-S. Kug
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Can climate indices forecast daily variations of wintertime PM2.5 concentrations in East Asia?
2023: J. I. Jeong and R. J. Park
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Sulfur isotope-based source apportionment and control mechanisms of PM2.5 sulfate in Seoul, South Korea during winter and early spring (2017–2020)
2023: G. Lee, J. Ahn, S.-M. Park, J. Moon, R. Park, M. S. Sim, H. Choi, J. Park, J.-Y. Ahn
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Part II model support on a new mechanism for North Pacific Oscillation influence on ENSO,
2023: Zhao J., Sung MK., Park JH., Luo JJ., Kug JS.,
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Part I observational study on a new mechanism for North Pacific Oscillation influencing the tropics
2023: Zhao J., Sung MK., Park JH., Luo JJ., Kug JS.,
npj Clim Atmos Sci, 6 (15),
North Atlantic Oscillation impact on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation shaped by the mean state
2023: Kim, HJ., An, SI., Park, JH., Sung, MK.,Kim DH., Choi Y.,Kim. JS.,
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Two regimes of inter-basin interactions between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on interannual timescales
2023: Park, JH., Yeh, SW., Kug, JS, Yang,YM., Jo, HS., Kim, HJ.,An SI.,
npj Clim Atmos Sci, 6 (13),
Impact of volcanic eruptions on extratropical atmospheric circulations: review, revisit and future directions
2023: S. Paik, S.-K. Min, S.-W. Son, E.-P. Lim, S. McGregor, S.-I. An, J.-S. Kug, and S.-W. Yeh,
Environmental Research Letters, 18(6), 063003,
Hysteresis and irreversibility of global extreme precipitation to anthropogenic CO2 emission
2023: Sanjit Kumar Mondal, Soon-Il An, Seung-Ki Min, Soong-Ki Kim, Jongsoo Shin, Seungmok Paik, Nari Im, Chao Liu,
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Projections of the North Atlantic warming hole can be constrained using ocean surface density as an emergent constraint
2024: I.-H. Park, S.-W. Yeh
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